A word with C12 resident dj Kafim
Published on March 22, 2019
Kafim has been part of the C12 team since day one. As the clubs sound engineer and resident dj, he practically lives on our dance floor, making sure the sound system runs top notch.
We had a chat with Kafim, who also shares three favorite tracks.
Kafim, what is C12 for you?
“First and foremost it’s my job. At C12 we share a philosophy, a utopian vision we pursue. The project is a collective endeavour, we discuss production, bookings and every little detail about the club on a constant basis. “
Can you recount a favorite moment in the club?
“On our first birthday party early February I was playing a long set back to back with EXAL. We were in a postpunk and industrial mood, the atmosphere was extremely exciting. These moments when you feel a perfect synch between audience and dj are the ones I cherish most.”
What’s your dj recipe at C12?
“I like to create a stream played from three decks, it’s more about layers than about going from one record to the next one. Apart from the opening track I always arrive at the booth with a blank canvas, and enjoy playing different styles of techno from harder to deeper or more atmospherical. “
What’s your prefered set-up?
“3 Pioneer CDJ players, 1 Technics turntable, a Xone 96 mixer, the Lambda Labs QX3 sound system (present in the main room of C12) and a dj booth on the same level as the dancers.”
See Kafim play on Saturday with Dax J and Headless Horseman live.

Picture by Jeremy Gerard (c).